plasTeX 3.0 — A Python Framework for Processing LaTeX Documents

5.6 Other builtin renderers

In addition to the renderers covered in previous sections, plasTeX comes with a couple of smaller renderers that are less tested but can still be useful, at least as technological examples.

The simplest output format is given by the Text renderer that will output a simple unicode text file. It is not based on a templating engine, it is therefore a good example for people who want to write a renderer from scratch.

The ManPage renderer outputs files ready for consumption by groff (directly of through man). Like the Text renderer, it is written from scratch, without any template engine.

The DocBook renderer is based on the Page Template Renderer. It supports two themes: book and article having different root elements. The templates for this renderer using the Cheetah engine which is not installed by default when installing plasTeX. Be careful to install the Cheetah3 fork which is compatible with python 3.

There is also a EPUB renderer based on the XHTML renderer.